
Concept Art - Main Character

Finding a look for the main character was rather difficult as we wanted him to have some form of protection while remaining somewhat agile due to the fast paced actions he will perform. Our story also requires that the character appears mysterious, so a hood or a covered face seemed the most effective way to do this.

The image below shows the evolution of the design for the main character, which we felt was initially too similar to characters seen in Assassin's Creed. This is something we wanted to try remove from our character while retaining the mystery and strength of character. The earliest idea for the story was that it would be Robin Hood related, so I experimented with adding more 'Robin Hood' style elements to the character.

I then began adding colour to get a feel for how the character would look in the animation. Woodland colours seemed very suitable as this is the environment the story is set in, but darker shades were used to set the character apart from the environment while helping to suggest he has bad motives.