
Main Character - High Poly Sculpt Completed

Today marked the completion of the character model for the main character for our animated short. This should have probably been completed earlier however I feel the extra time spent on this stage has benefited the quality of the model and will benefit the quality of the whole piece as a result. I feel the character is a good representation of the design concept and far exceeds my expectations.

The most challenging element of the model was the head and face, which required a lot of working and reworking before achieving results I was happy with. I have learned a lot from this process and it has inspired me to spend more time making anatomical studies both in traditional drawing tools and in zbrush.

I added very fine detail to the face such as pores and slight blemishes and imperfections. I believe imperfections go hand in hand with realism and he still looks too 'perfect', so it is possible I may go back and add more slightly less subtle imperfections to give him a more realistic human face.

At this stage I consider this to be finished, and any adjustments I may make will be very slight. My next step will be to create his weapons before beginning on the retopology of the character.

All comments and feedback appreciated,

Thanks, John :)