
Crowe – Rigging

With the rig very close to completion (with the exception of the hood and weapons) I decided to create a few renders to show the deformation of the mesh.

Some overlayed elements of the mesh proved rather difficult, such as the shoulder leather, the belts and the leg armour. To overcome this I hid all overlayed elements and rigged the main mesh, I then unhid the elements one by one and rigged them as well as possible.

Rigging is not necessarily my strongest skill, and this has not been without it's challenges but I have given it my best attempt and I'm rather pleased with the results.

Here are some of the poses I was using throughout the rigging process as a means of easily seeing how well each area was deforming.




At the moment Crowe has a basic temporary diffuse texture applied, but this will be replaced with a more detailed one at a later date. At this stage however, we are running very late so our main priority is to get started on the animation.