
T-Rex Revisions

Worked further on the T-Rex sculpt and I'm now a lot happier with it. This is possibly the most detailed sculpt I've created, with all steps performed entirely within Zbrush with the exception of retopology which was done in 3ds Max. Although I'm happy with the detail I still feel I could push it a lot further, especially with the texture.


T-Rex - Polypainting

Had some fun giving the T-Rex a basic polypaint in Zbrush.
For what is possibly the first attempt I've ever done at polypainting, I'm pretty happy with it so far!
There's still a lot of detail I want to bring out so I look forward to seeing how far I can push the painting tools.

I also made slight adjustments to the pose and proportions of the head, which I also plan to do for the hands and possibly the legs.


T-Rex Update

Wow, time has flown since my last update.
Decided to give this guy some love and spent a few hours overhauling the proportions and main forms, and adding a lot more detail. Overall I'm much happier with the current sculpt, although there are still a lot of things I want to refine and improve.


I will probably give this guy a rough poly paint coat while I continue to add details, hopefully the next update won't take me so long!


T-Rex Sculpt

Here is a quick render of a new sculpt I started a couple of days ago.
The mesh was created using Zspheres so it's pretty messy in some places, I plan to retopologise it before I sculpt in any more detail.


Mutant Shark - Zbrush Sketch

A quick character bust created in Zbrush, trying to build my speed and accuracy.